Saturday, May 8, 2010

Can Celergen Help to Prevent Cataract or Glaucoma?

One of the ingredients that found in Celergen is lutein.

Lutein helps protect our eyes from ultraviolet (UV) induced damage (i.e. both indoor lighting & sunlight) which is believed to induced oxidative stress & possible free-radical damage; its yellow color helps filters out blue light. The macula in the retina contains a lot of lutein, which not only provides the eyes with protection from sunlight UV rays, but also helps to prevent eye diseases such as retinal degeneration as with the advancing of age macular degenerates leading to poor eyesight.

Besides protecting our skin from UV damage, it also protects our skin from free-radical damage. Studies have also shown that lutein reduces inflammation and redness in the skin, and may even help prevent skin cancer.

Lutein may also help to prevent or slow down atherosclerosis, a condition that causes the arteries to clog and often leads to cardiovascular disease.

Below is a diagram on our eye for illustration.

Functions of Lutein in our eyes

Lutein is concentrated in the retinas of our eyes and is necessary for good vision

Lutein protects against photo damage of retina by filtering out blue light which is not block by cornea or lens and which can damage retina over time.

Celergen helps prevent cataract and macular degeneration. Both outdoor sunlight and indoor lighting induces oxidative stress and free radical damage. Lutein in Celergen helps to protect our eyes from ultraviolet rays by filtering out the blue light.

Lutein in Celergen also helps to prevent Glaucoma, which is a condition, in which fluid pressure build up inside the eye, damaging the optic nerve. If this condition is left untreated. it will lead to permanent damage of the optic nerve, resulting in visual loss leading blindness. Celergen will do more of preventative then improving the conditions of glaucoma or even cataract.

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