Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Success Story: Less tire, Lower Glycemic Index, Balance Blood Sugar Level

I have a cataract operation recently and it was unsuccessful because I suffered from cornea abrasion, which is one of the adverse outcomes. Due to this, I had to stop driving. It was terrible.

Then my daughter introduced me Celergen,from Switerland. The results are incredible! With hardly a week of Celergen, I felt my vision improve significantly. Unsure, I consulted my eye surgeons and they confirmed that my eye recovery is almost 90% now.

The other benefit I experienced from Celergen is the spike in my energy level. As a mild diabetic patient, I often felt tired in the afternoon. As Celergen helps to lower glycemic index, my blood sugar level is getting better and I feel more active and lively.

Now I no longer need to take those afternoon naps.

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