Thursday, May 13, 2010

What Benefits Celergen Can Give Us?

Celergen has the potent power to achieve the following benefits by improving in

Stimulation of specific cells concerned with obesity, arthritis, chronic fatigue, asthma, degenerative brain disease, osteoporosis, sexual dysfunction, male impotence, and other metabolic ailments.

Help to enhance our stamina and our energy level

Boosts our sex drive and potency with endurance and vitality

Increase our sexual disatisfaction

Reduce our pre-menopause syndrome and delay our menopause

Improving your alertness and mind

Improve blood circulation

Revitalizing our body's immune system and defence mechanisms

Visible increase in radiance and glow to our skin

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What are the Certifications for Celergen?

Most important Certification is the Swiss Export Attestation Certificate. There are many products developed and manufactured in Switzerland for export purposes. These products cannot be sold in Switzerland.

But for Celergen, the Swiss Export Attestation certificate means that it can be sold freely in Switzerland, because of its stringent standards of development and production as well as its superior product quality.

Other certifications include, FDA compliance, Swiss Public Health Certificate, CGMP, Swiss inspection Service, IMO control (compliance with Swiss Organic Farming Ordinance and Regulation, Eurocerta Food (ISO 14001 in food production with European Standard Auditing) German Accreditation Council for Certification, Testing for ensuring quality and Technical Competence, TQM and EMS.

Success Story: Never Trade Celergen for I Million Dollars

My life fell apart when i was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was extremely trying because I was also suffereing from ankylosing spondylitis - a form of chronic inflammation of the spine and the tailbone area.

Due to the excruciating pain and stiffness in and around my spine, I was put on heavy medication daily. And then with breast cancer, I had to undergo surgery for my cancer cells and in addition commence on my chemotherapy and radiology sessions.

That was not all because I need to be medication for another 5 years.

Though I was cleared of cancer, there wasn't much to celebrate about because my body was constantly in pain. Simple everyday activities that I used to take for granted became a chore. Walking became a burden, getting out of bed became painful and my sleep was elusive as my entire body ached.

One day, a long lost friend introduced me this beautiful product that turned my life around. Since then, I have never stopped talking about Celergen.

After I day of Celergen, I realised that I can go about my daily activities without feeling worn out. By day 3, all the aches and pain disappeared completely. It was incredible. Many who knew me were astounded. They were simply awed at my healing.

I would say that Celergen is my saving grace.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Success Story: Less tire, Lower Glycemic Index, Balance Blood Sugar Level

I have a cataract operation recently and it was unsuccessful because I suffered from cornea abrasion, which is one of the adverse outcomes. Due to this, I had to stop driving. It was terrible.

Then my daughter introduced me Celergen,from Switerland. The results are incredible! With hardly a week of Celergen, I felt my vision improve significantly. Unsure, I consulted my eye surgeons and they confirmed that my eye recovery is almost 90% now.

The other benefit I experienced from Celergen is the spike in my energy level. As a mild diabetic patient, I often felt tired in the afternoon. As Celergen helps to lower glycemic index, my blood sugar level is getting better and I feel more active and lively.

Now I no longer need to take those afternoon naps.

How does Celergen help in diabetic patients?

One of the Key ingredients that helps diabetic patients is Hydro MN Peptide.

Functions of Hydro MN Peptide.
a)smoothens out and balance blood sugar levels after meal.
b)helps balance and control glycemic index (GI) after meal.
c)improves blood glucose level
d)limit the post prandial glucose rise.

What is Glycemic Index?
The GI is a measure of the effects of carbohydrates on blood glucose level i.e. it shows how food affect the blood glucose response after a meal.

Carbohydrates that break down rapidly during digestion releasing glucose rapidly into the bloodstream have a high GI. On the other hand, carbohydrates that break down slowly, releasing glucose gradually into the bloodstream, have a low GI.
Lower GI produces smaller fluctuations in blood glucose and insulin level, hence suggests slower rates of digestion & absorption of the food carbohydrates & often thought to equate lower insulin demand.

Brief instruction on Insulin
Insulin, a hormone release by the beta-cells of the islets of langerhans located in the pancreas, control the amount of sugar in the blood. Insulin allows sugar to move from the blood into the cells. Once inside the cell, it is converted into energy, which is either use immediately or stored as fat or glycogen until it’s needed.

What Happen When The Body Cannot Effectively Utilise Insulin???
Diabetes mellitus, a chronic metabolic disorder arise. Most patients with type 2 diabetes have insulin resistance and their beta cells is unable to overcome this resistance and this leads to an increase concentration of glucose in the blood.
When the level of glucose in the urine rises, the kidney excrete additional water to dilute the large amount of glucose, this leads to frequent and excessive urination by diabetic patients.

Due to the excessive lost of calories in the urine, patient lose weight. Therefore, to compensate, patient feel excessively thirsty and hungry.

High glucose levels over a long time cause narrowing of both the small and large blood vessels. Poor control of glucose level will lead to the increase in levels of fatty substances in the blood, resulting in artherosclerosis and poor circulation.

GI shows how food affect the blood glucose response after a meal. Hydro MN peptide, one of the ingredients in Celergen acts as a glycemic index reducing peptide and balances blood sugar levels after meals as well as limit the post prandial glucose rise. Hence, it reduces the fluctuations in blood glucose and therefore lowers insulin demand.