Friday, May 7, 2010

"I Shouldn't Be Suffering With Age... Menopause"

As a nurse, I'd always questioned why our bodies appear to turn against us in menopause. I'd watch my grandmother and my mother go through it, and it just seemed to me like the body stops producing something it needs.

My story started when i started experiencing excessive bleeding and painful cramping, every single month.

I thought it was just normal for my age to have a few discomforts. A month later i started getting hot flushes out of nowhere and feeling really emotional. One minute I could be sad, and then next. raging with anger, I saw my doctor and he diagnosed me with Premenopausal Syndrome. He was giving me injections of Depo-lupron to put me into menopause, but then she stopped there because of the risk of getting osteoporosis was too high.

I was having trouble sleeping because of these terrible pains in my legs. They'd keep me most of the night, which led me to exhaustion. Everything I had to do became a huge chore. I was constantly run down and felt miserable. It was as if my body was trying to kill me.

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